Puppy #5 - Annabelle
Making her home in: Maplewood, MN

Puppy #5 - Female - Sable and White
Pictures taken on 03/13/05

Puppy #5 - Female - Sable and White
Pictures taken on 03/25/05

Email from Anita to Annabelle (4/19/05): .... We will have the backseat all comfy for you and Billy-you will be treated like a princess! You enjoy your time with Bonnie and Glory and your momma and daddy and we will be there soon to take you to Mn for your big adventures with Billy. He has a lot to show you-all the good hiding spots in the home and the best places to throw the ball when you are playing catch. Well, got to go, you have to catch up on your sleep for the ride home. See you on Thursday sweetheart! Your new family!!

April 21, 2005 - The day has arrived and Annabelle is going to live with her family in MN. Mom Anita, Daddy Bob and Big Brother Billy are driving from MN to pick up their new family member, Annabelle. Brother Billy came from our kennel and Anita and Bob decided that they want to get a playmate for Billy, well I believe they wanted addition to their family also. No doubt Anita and I talked via email at least once a week and sometimes more. We have grown very close through our email conversation. It is so amazing how a puppy can bring people together. So today will be the first time that I have met Anita. Bob came by himself last time to get Billy, but this time Anita and Billy will also be making the trip.

April 21, 2005 - After weeks of taking care of Annabelle and the nights of sleeping beside her and her sibbling, I have grown close to each of them and with Annabelle being the last to leave, it does make it hard. But, I am so very glad that Annabelle will be making her home in MN with friends.
Bob, Anita and Billy arrived and there was definitely excitement in the air. Anita and I meet for the first time, but after our talking through email I felt as if I had always known her. No doubt Annabelle will have a great life with a very loving and responsible family. I could not ask for more.
Special thanks to Bob, Anita and last but not least Billy for being willing to drive from MN to NC (over 1200 miles one way) to make sure that Annabelle was safe and stress free when she got home.
Pictures below where taken when Annabelle’s new family came to get her.
4/25/05 -Upon arrival at home the pm of 4-25-05, I was greeted with the above beautiful flowers and teddy bear. Annabelle and Brother Billy had some how managed to make a phone call and place an order for some flowers and had them wired to me. Oh! How precious! They are so sweet and so is their family to allow them to do this for me. Thanks so very much! You are truly very special pups and have a truly special family. Annabelle and Billy are doing great and Annabelle is doing great with her new family.
Part of an email from Annabelle and Billy’s family on 4/25/05: “. . . We had such a good time going to get Annabelle, seeing you and your family and picking up Annabelle, the drive home and the two days with her so far. You are right, what an eater! Billy doesn't eat a whole lot,but she eats for the two of them! And talk about speedy-wow!. . . . “

Annabelle celebrating 2006!!!!

Update 02/14/06 Annabelle and her family send me updates usually two or three times a week. We have became really close through our dogs. Annabelle sends hugs, kisses, etc. She is enjoying living in MN with Billy (another dog from Southern Sunset Kennels). Such a wonderful and loving family. Best wishes to each of them.
The picture above is of Annabelle on Valentine’s Day 02/14/06 with one of many toys.

Pictures of Annabelle (left) and Billy (right) 11-14-09 Coats for the Minnesota winter weather
Pictures of Annabelle watching planes take off at the airport in MN with her family. 07/20/13
Annabelle and Billy outside with their wonderful Mom on 03/05/06
Annabelle resting 12/10/06
Annabelle and Billy outside in the snow  04/13/13